
تسهيل - توجيه - تدبير | TawJeeh, TasHeel & TadBeer - Al Yalayis Center

  • تسهيل - توجيه - تدبير | TawJeeh, TasHeel & TadBeer - Al Yalayis Center
  • Tasheel is a government-backed online system that facilitates employment-related procedures for both employees and employers. For organizations, Tasheel supports a paperless environment and enables online rates and exchanges with MOHRE. Tawjeeh center exposure services to workers and employers on its behalf through institutional cooperation with the private sector according to the criteria of the Emirates Programme for Excellence in Government Services through Tawjeeh Centers TadBeer provides all government procedures for labor services residing in the client’s home, whether a private driver, domestic worker, housemaid, domestic help, etc.
  • الإمارات
  • إنجليزي
  • 170
  • 0
  • 31/1/2024

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